Barcelona Star Faces New Competition with Hansi Flick at Helm

Barcelona Star Faces New Competition with Hansi Flick at Helm

Veteran Faces Fight for Starting Spot Under New Barcelona Boss Hansi Flick

Barcelona appointed Hansi Flick as their new manager earlier this month, following the departure of club legend Xavi Hernandez. The arrival of the German tactician brings a shift in philosophy, and with it, some established players may have to prove themselves again.

One such player is veteran midfielder Ilkay Gundogan. While reports suggest Flick values Gundogan’s experience, a guaranteed starting role is not on the table. According to Toni Juanmarti of SPORT, Gundogan will need to fight for his place in the new manager’s plans.

This shift in approach shouldn’t come as a surprise. Hansi Flick, known for his emphasis on performance and tactical discipline, has a history of fielding players based on merit rather than reputation. This approach, while potentially unsettling for some senior figures, could breathe new life into a Barcelona squad looking to reclaim its dominance.

Gundogan, however, is no stranger to competition. His experience and leadership will undoubtedly be valuable assets for the team. The upcoming pre-season will be a crucial period for him to prove his fitness and tactical understanding under Flick’s system.